Modeling and Simulation Acronyms

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W




A2ATD - Anti-Armor Advanced Technology Demonstration
AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science
AAAV - Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
AAC - Army Aquisition Corps
AAFES - Army & Air Force Exchange Services
AAG - Army Auditor General
AAIS - Advanced Airborne Interceptor Simulator
AAR - After-Action Review
AASPEM - Air-to-Air System Performance Evaluation Model
AATD - Army Advanced Technology Demonstration(s)
ABCS - Army Battle Command System
ABCSIM - Atmospheric, Biological, and Chemical Simulation
ABE - ALSP Broadcast Emulator
ABM - Armor Breakpoint Model
ABS - Advanced Battle Simulation
ACAAM - Air Courses of Action Assessment Model
ACAD - Advanced Computer Aided Design
ACALS - Army Computer-aided Acquisition & Logistics Support
ACC - Aegis Computer Center
ACD - Asynchronous Communications Device Interface
ACEC - Army Communications-Electronics Command (now CECOM)
ACEM - Advanced Campaign Effectiveness Model; or Air Combat Evaluation Model
ACETEF - Air Combat Environment Test and Evaluation Facility
ACM - ALSP Common Module
ACMS - Air Combat Maneuvering Simulator
ACOE - Army Common Operating Environment
ACQSIM - Acquisition Simulation
AC/RC - Active Component/Reserve Component
ACSIM - Assistant Chief of Staff, Installation Management
ACSIT - Aegis Combat System Interactive Trainer
ACT - Advanced Concepts and Technology; ALSP Control Terminal
ACTD - Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
ACUPAT - Universal Camouflage Pattern
AD - Armored Division, or Active Duty, Air Defense
ADA - Air Defense Artillery
ADDS - Army Data Distribution
ADL - Advanced Distribution Learning
ADMP - Army Data Management Program
AEC - Army Evaluation Center
ADO - Army Digitization Office
ADPA - American Defense Preparedness Association
ADS - Authoritative Data Source
ADSIM - Air Defense Simulation
ADSS - Air Defense Simulation System; or Army Data Standardization System
ADST - Advanced Distributed Simulation Technology
ADTAM - Air Defense Tanker Analysis Model
AESAT - Avionics & Electrical Systems Advanced Trainer
AESOP - Army EMP Simulator Operations
AETS - Airborne Electronic Threat Simulator
AFAM - Advanced Field Artillery Model
AFATDS - Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
AFCENT - Allied Forces Central Europe
AFOR - Automated Forces
AFS - Advanced Flight Simulator
AFWG - Acquisition Functional Working Group; or Analysis Functional Working Group
AGCCS - Army Global Command and Control System
AGES - Air-to-Ground Engagement Simulation
AGIS - Analysis and Gaming Information System
AGRAM - Air-to-Ground Assessment Model
AGRMET - Agricultural Meteorological Model
AHP - Analytic Hierarchical Process
AHPCRC - Army High Performance Computer Research Center
AI - Artificial Intelligence
AI-ESTATE - Artificial Intelligence and Expert System Tie to Automatic Test Equipment
AID - AUTODIN Interface Device
AIN - Advanced Intelligent Network
AIRES - Automated Information Retrieval And Expert System
AIS - ALSP Infrastructure Software; Automated Information System
AISSAP - Automatic Information System Security Assessment Program
AIT - Advanced Individual Training
AITS - Advance Information Technology Systems
AIU - Advanced Interface Unit
AL&T - Acquisition, Logistics and Technology
ALARM - Advance Low-Altitude Radar Model
ALBAM - Air Land Battle Assessment Model
ALBE - Air Land Battlefield Environment
ALBM - Air Land Battle Management
ALES - Air Land Engagement Simulation
ALISS - Advanced Lightweight Influence Sweep System
ALM - Airlift Loading Model
ALSP - Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol
ALWSIM - Army Laser Weapon Simulation
AMASS - ATO Mission Analysis and Simulation System
AMC - Army Materiel Command
AMD - Air and Missile Defense
AMES - Advanced Multiple Environment Simulator
AMIP - Army Model Improvement Program
AMM - Advanced Missile Model, or Army Mobility Model
AMP - Analysis of Mobility Platform
AMSAA - Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity
AMSEC - Army Model and Simulation Executive Council
AMSGOSC - Army Model and Simulation General Officer Steering Council
AMSMP - Army Modeling and Simulation Management Program
AMSS - Ammunition Management Standard System
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
AoA - Analysis of Alternatives
AOR - Area of Responsibility
APHIDS - Advanced Panoramic Helmet Interface Demonstrator System
APL - Applied Physics Laboratory
APM - Advanced Penetration Model
APMM - Activity Planning and Management Model
APSE - ADA Programming Support Environment
AR - Army Regulation
ARCENT - Army Central Command
ARFORGEN - Army Force Generation
ARGUS - Advanced Realtime Gaming Universal Simulation
ARH - Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter
ARI - Army Research Institute (for the Behavioral and Social Sciences)
ARIEM - Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
ARNG - Army National Guard
ARSTRAT - Army Strategic Command
ARTBASS - Army Tactical Battlefield Simulation System
ARTDT - Advanced Real-Time Data Tool
ARTE - ADA Run Time Environment
ASA(ALT) - Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology
ASA(CW) - Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works
ASA(FM&C) - Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller
ASA(I&E) - Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment
ASA(M&RA) - Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
ASBAT - Air/Sea Battle Model
ASC - Advanced Simulation Center
ASCC - Army Service Component Command
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASD - Assistant Secretary of Defense
ASD NII - Assistant Secretary of Defense Networks & Information Integration
ASEM - Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Engagement Model
ASIS - ADA Semantic Interface Specification
ASN - Assistant Secretary of the Navy
ASPT - Advanced Simulator for Pilot Training
ASSIST - Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System
ASTC - Advanced Simulation Technology Center
ASTO - Advanced Systems Technology Office
ASTT - Advanced Simulation Technology Thrust
ASU - Army Service Uniform
AT&L - Aquisition, Technology and Logistics
ATEC - Army Test and Evaluation Command
ATASS - Adaptive Training, Analysis, and Simulation System
ATB - Analytical Tool Box
ATCAL - Attrition Model Using Calibrated Parameters
ATD - Advanced Technology Demonstration
ATDL - Army Tactical Data Link
ATDL-1 - Army Tactical Data Link-One
ATE - Automatic Test Equipment
ATEMS - Advanced Threat Emitter Simulator
ATEWES - Advanced Tactical Electronic Warfare Environment Simulator
ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter
ATFM&S - Acquisition Task Force on Modeling and Simulation
ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATR - Automatic Target Recognition
ATRJ - Advanced Tactical Radar Jammer, or Advanced Threat Radar Jammer
ATRRS - Army Training Tequirements and Resource System
ATS - Advanced Threat Simulator;
ATTD - Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration
ATVSS - Automatic Tracking and (with) Video Scene Simulation System
AURA - Army Unit Resiliency Analysis Model
AUTODIN - Automatic Digital Network
AVCATT - Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer
AVO - ADA Validation Office
AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System
AWD - Advanced Warfighting Demonstration
AWE - Advanced Warfighting Experiment, or Area Weapons Effects
AWESS - Automatic Weapon Effect Signature Simulator
AWIS - Army World-Wide Information Systems
AWSIM - Air Warfare Simulation
AWSIM-R - Air Warfare Simulation-Reengineered

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BADD - Battlefield Awareness and Data Dissemination
BASEWAM - Battlefield Surveillance Electronic Warfare Analysis Model
BASOPS - Base Operating Information System
BATTS - Basic Air Tactics Trainer
BBS - Brigade/Battalion Simulation
BCBL - Battle Command Battle Lab
BCC - Base Communications-Computer Center
BCCS - Battlefield Command and Control System
BCOM - Battalion Combat Outcome Model
BCT - Brigade Combat Team
BDA - Battle Damage Assessment
BDS - Battlefield Distributed Simulation
BDS-D - Battlefield Distributed Simulation-Developmental
BDU - Battledress Uniform
BEES - Battlefield Environmental Effects Software
BES - Background Environment Simulator
BEWSS - Battlefield Environment Weapon System Simulation
BFA - Battlefield Functional Area
BFM - Battlefield Forecast Model
BFTT - Battle Force Tactical Trainer (naval virtual simulator)
BG - Brigadier general; Battle group
BGEM - Battle Group Effectiveness Model
BIA - Battlefield Information Architecture
BICES - Battlefield Information Collection & Exploitation System
BICM - Battlefield Intelligence Collection Model
BIS - Battlespace Information System, or Built-in Simulation
BLDM - Battalion Level Differential Model
BLERT - Block-Error-Rate Test
BLII - Base Level Information Infrastructure
BLOS - Beyond-Line-of-Site
BLRSI - Battle Lab Reconfigurable Simulator Initiative
BLRSIM - Battle Lab Reconfigurable Simulator
BLSM II - Base Level System Modernization Phase II
BM - Battlespace Management
BMC3 - Battle Management, Command, Control, and Communications
BMD - Ballistic Missile Defense
BMDES - Ballistic Missile Defense Engagement Simulation
BMDO - Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
BMTA - Backbone Message Transfer Agent
BNCOC - Basic NCO course
BODAS - Brigade Operations Display and AAR System
BODESIM - Barrier/Obstacle Deployment and Effectiveness Simulation
BOM - Base Object Model
BOS - Battlefield Operating Systems
BPS - Battlefield Planning System
BRAC - Base Realignment and Closure
BRACE - Base Resource and Capability Estimator
BRIDGESIM - Bridge Simulator
BSC - Battle Simulation Center
BST - Basic Skills Trainer
BULLET - Battalion/Unit Level Logistics Evaluation Tool
BV - Battlefield Visualization

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C-CS - Communications-Computer Systems
C2 - Command and Control
C2I - Command, Control, and Intelligence
C2IPS - Command and Control Information Processing System
C2IS - C2 Information Systems
C2W - Command and Control Warfare
C3 - Command, Control and Communications
C3D2 - Camouflage, Cover, Concealment, Deception and Denial
C3CM - Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures
C3I - Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
C3I/IS - C3I/Information Systems
C3S - C3 Systems
C3ISR - Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
C4 - Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
C4I - Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence
C4I2 - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence Integration
C4IFTW - C4I for the Warrior
C4ISR - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
C4SMP - C4 System Master Plan
CAA - Center for Army Analysis
CAAM - Composite Area Analysis Model
CAAN - Combined Arms Assessment Network
CACE - Computer-Aided Cost Estimating
CACEAS - Computer-Assisted Circuit Engineering and Allocating System
CACTIS - Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System
CAD - Computer-Aided Design
CAD/CAM - Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing
CADD - Computer Aided Design and Drafting
CADDS - Computer Aided Design and Drafting System
CADE - Computer-Aided Design Equipment
CADIS - Communication Architecture for Distributed Interactive Simulation
CADMAT - Computer-Aided Design, Manufacture and Test
CADS - Computer-Assisted Display System
CAE - Computer Aided Engineering, or Computer Aided Exercise
CAESAR - Computer-Aided Exploration of Synthetic Aperture Radar
CAETI - Computer-Aided Education and Training Initiative
CAFMS - Computer Assisted Force Management System
CAI - Computer Aided Instruction
CAL - Computer Aided Learning
CALL - Center for Army Lessons Learned
CALOW - Contingency/Limited Objective Warfare
CALS - Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support; Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support
CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAMAC - Computer-Aided Measurement and Control
CAMD - Computer Assisted Molecular Design
CAMDSS - Common Architecture for Model Development and Simulation Support
CAMERA - Computational Algorithm for Missile Exhaust Radiation
CAMEX - Computer-Assisted Map Exercise
CAMMS - Condensed Army Mobility Model System
CAMPS - Computer Aided Mission Planning System
CAOC - Combined Air Operations Center
CAPE - Computer Aided Project Engineering
CAPP - Computer-Aided Process Plan
CAPS - Computer-Aided Paperless System
CAR - Chief, Army Reserve
CARD Computer-Aided Remote Driving
CARDS - Catalog of Approved Requirements Documents
CARE - Computer Assistance Resource Exchange
CARES - Cratering and Related Effects Simulation
CAS - Close Air Support
CAS3 - Combined Arms and Services Staff School
CASDM - Common Approach to Software Development and Maintenance
CASE - Computer Aided Software Engineering, or Computer Assisted Software Engineering, or Computer-Assisted Systems Engineering
CASMO - Combat Analysis Sustainability Model
CAST - Computer-Aided Software Testing
CASTFOREM - Combined Arms and Support Task Force Evaluation Model
CASTFOREM-DIS - Combined Arms and Support Task Force Evaluation Model with DIS
CATIA - Computer-Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application
CATIS - Computer-Aided Tactical Information System
CATT - Combined Arms Tactical Trainer
CAX - Computer Aided Exercise
CBAM - Combat Base Assessment Model
CBI - Computer Based Instruction
CBITS - Computer Based Instructional Training System
CBL - Computer Based Learning
CBS - Corps Battle Simulation
CBS-ATCCS - Corps Battle Simulation - Army Tactical Command and Control System Interface
CBT - Computer Based Training
Cbt STTAR - Combat Synthetic Test and Training Assessment Range
CCB - Configuration Control Board
CCBD - Configuration Control Board Directives
CCIB - Command and Control Interoperability Board
CCIS - Command and Control Information System
CCOMEN - Conventional Collateral Mission Effectiveness Model
CCSIL - Command and Control Simulation Interface Language
CCSP - Consolidated Computer Security Program
CCTB - Close Combat Test Bed
CCTT - Close Combat Tactical Trainer
CCU - Computer Control Unit
CDB - Common Data Base
CDD - Common Data Dictionary
CDIN - CONUS Defense Integrated Network
CDP - Classified Data Processing
CDS - Congressional Data Sheets
CECOM - U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command
CEESIM - Combat Electromagnetic Environment Simulator
CEM - Concepts Evaluation Model
CENTCOM - Central Command
CERS - Combat Environment Realism System
CES - Cognitive Environment Simulator
CET - Computers and Electronic Technology
CEWI - Communications Electronic Warfare Intelligence
CFAW - Contingency Force Analysis War Game
CFC - Combined Forces Command
CFDB - Conventional Forces Database
CFII - Center for Integration and Interoperability
CFOR - Command Forces
CGF - Computer Generated Forces
CGI - Computer Generated Imagery, or Computer Graphics Interface
CGSC - Command for General Staff College
CGSOC - Command and General Staff Officers Course
CHANCES - Climatological and Historical Analysis of Cloud for Environmental Simulations
CHAS - Chemical Hazard Assessment System
CHS - Common Hardware/Software
CI - Configuration Item
CICS - Customer Information Control System
CIDS - Computerized Information Delivery Service
CIE - Computer Integrated Engineering
CIE-PAT - Computer Integrated Engineering-Process Action Team
CIM/EI - Corporate Information Management/Enterprise Integration
CIMNET - Center for Information Management Network
CIRRUS - Clouds, IR, Real, for Use in Simulations
CIS - Combat Instruction Set
CISS - Center for Information Systems Security
CITS - Combat Information Transport System
CIWG - Communications Interoperability Working Group
CJCS - Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJTF - Combined Joint Task Force
CLCGF - Corps Level Computer Generated Forces
CLCGF-HS - Corps Level Computer Generated Forces-Hybrid State
CLEAR - Campaign Logistics Expenditure And Replenishment Model
CLL - Chief, Legislative Liaison
CM - Configuration Management
CMASS - Counterdrug Modeling and Simulation System
CMMS - Conceptual Model of the Mission Space
CMP - Configuration Management Plan
CMS - Combat Mission Simulator
CMT - Confederation Management Tool
CMTC-IS - Combat Maneuver Training Center-Instrumented Systems
CMUES - Campaign Model Utilizing Environmental Simulator
CMWG - Configuration Management Working Group
COADS - Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set
COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language
COBRA - Combat Outcome Based on Rules of Attrition
COE - Common Operating Environment
COEA - Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis
COI - Community of Interest
COIN - Counterinsurgency
COL - Colonel
COMEUR - Commander, U.S. European Command
COMINT - Communications Intelligence
COMNET - Communications Network
COMPASS - Common Operational Modeling, Planning, and Simulation Strategy
COMPUSEC - Computer Security
COMSAT - Communications Satellite
COMSEC - Communications Security
CONMOD - Conflict Model
CONOPS - Concept of Operations
CONUS - Continental United States
CORBAN - Corps Battle Analyzer
CORDIVEM - Corps/Division Evaluation Model Corn Computer Resource Nucleus
COSAGE - Combat Sample Generator
COSE - Common Open Software Environment
COTS - Commercial of the Shelf
CPA - Chief, Public Affairs
CPT - Captain
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CRB - Configuration Review Board
CSA - Chief of Staff, Army
CSC - Computer Software Component
CSE - Common Support Equipment
CSERIAC - Crew System Ergonomics Information Analysis Center
CSIDS - CENTCOM/SOCOM Integrated Data System
CSII - Center for Systems Interoperability and Integration
CSL - Computer Systems Laboratory
CSM - Command Sergeant Major
CSP - Communications Service Processor
CSPM - Communication System Performance Model
CSRDF - Army Crew Station Research and Development Facility
CSS - Communications Support System
CSSBL - Combat Service Support Battle Lab
CSSCS - Combat Service Support Computer System
CSSFAM - Combat Service Support Functional Area Model
CSSM - Cloud Scene Simulation Model
CSSTSS - Combat Service Support Tactical Simulation System
CTE - Center for Test and Evaluation
CTEIP - Central Test And Evaluation Investment Program
CTF - Common Technical Framework
CTIS - Command Tactical Information System
CTLS - Concurrent Theater Level Simulation
CTOS - Convergent Technologies Operating Systems
CUTM - Computer Understandable Terrain Model
CVAT - Combat Vehical Appended Trainer
CVIT - Combat Vehicle Institutional Trainer
CVSA - Combat Vehicle Simulation Architecture
CVTS - Combat Vehicle Training System
CWASAR - Cruise Weapon Analysis Simulation and Research
CWICS - CTAPS Wargame Interface Control
CWM - Composite Warfare Model

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DAB - Defense Acquisition Board
DA - Department of the Army
DADS - Dynamic Analysis and Design System
DAE - Defense Acquisition Executive
DAES - Defense Acquisition Executive Summary
DAI - Distributed Artificial Intelligence
DAISY - Defense Automated Information System
DAMIS - Defense Analysis and Management Information System
DAMSMP - DoD Acquisition Modeling and Simulation Master Plan
DAPG - Data Analysis Programming Group
DAPM - Data Administration Program Manager
DAPMO - Data Administration Program Management Office
DAPS - Data Acquisition and Processing System
DARIC - Defense Automation Resources Information Center
DARMP - Defense Automation Resources Management Program
DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DAS - Director, Army Staff
DASD(IM) - Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Information Management
DASP - Data Administration Strategic Plan
DASS - Digital Acoustic Sensor Simulator
DATS - Data Automated Tower Simulator
DAU - Data Acquisition Unit
DAWN - Defense Attache Worldwide Network
DB - Database
DBK - Dominant Battlespace Knowledge
DBMS - Data Base Management System
DCA - Data Collection and Analysis
DCAC - Digital Concepts Analysis Center
DCE - Distributed Computing Environment
DCI - Data Communication Interface
DCID - Director for Central Intelligence Directive
DCMI - Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
DCN - Defense Communications Network
DCO - Defense Coordinating Officer
DCP - Decision Coordinating Paper
DCPDS - Defense Civilian Personnel Data System
DCPS - Data Communications Protocol Standards
DCS - Deputy Chief of Staff
DD/DS - Data Dictionary/Directory System
DDA - Domain Defined Attribute
DDARS - Distributed Data Archive and Retrieval System
DDBMS - Distributed Database Management System
DDDS - Defense Data Directory System
DDI - Director of Defense Information
DDL - Data Definition Language
DDM - Distributed Data Management
DDMS - DoD Discovery Metadata Specification
DDN - Defense Data Network
DDR - DoD Data Repository
DDR&E - Director of Defense Research and Engineering
DDS - Distributed Defense Simulation
DDSS - Distributed Defense Simulation System
DEA - Data Exchange Agreement
DEEM - Dynamic Environmental Effects Model
DEERS - Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DEP - Delayed Entry Program
DEF - Data Exchange Format
DELTA - Data Element Tool-Based Analysis
DEM - Digital Elevation Model
DES - Data Encryption Standard, or Digital Encryption Standard
DESCEM - Dynamic Electromagnetic Systems Combat Effectiveness Model
DESP - Data Element Standardization Program
DET - Dynamic Environment and Terrain
DEWCOM - Divisional Electronic Warfare Combat Model
DEXES - Deployable Exercise System
DFARS - Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFAS - Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DFOM - Derived Federation Object Model
DFSAM - Direct Fire Stand-Alone Model
DGCC - Defense Information Systems Agency Global Control Center
DGDEM - Dynamic Generalized Digital Environmental Model
DGIS - Direct Graphics Interface Standard
DGIWG - Digital Geographic Information Working Group
DGTS - Dynamic Ground Target Simulator
DHIS - Distributed Heterogeneous Information Systems
DHS - Department of Homeland Security
DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency
DIAL - Distributed Intelligent Architecture for Logistics
DIB - Defense Information Base, or Directory Information Base
DID - Data Item Description, or Digital Interface Device
DIDHS - Deployed Intelligence Data Handling System
DIDOP - Digital Image Data Output Product
DIF - Data Interchange Format
DIGEST - Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard
DII - Defense Information Infrastructure
DIICC - Defense Information Infrastructure Control Concept
DIM - Director of Information Management
DIME - Digital Integrated Modeling Environment
DIRSP - Dynamic Infrared Scene Projector
DIS - Distributed Interactive Simulations
DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency
DISA/CI - DISA/Center for Information
DISA-IS - DISA Information System
DISANet - DISA Information Network
DISC4 - Director of Information Systems Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
DISCOM - Division Support Command
DISN - Defense Information Systems Network
DISR - DoD Information Technology Standards Registry DISS - Distributed Interactive Simulation and Stimulation
DISSIT - Distributed Interactive Simulation Synthesis with Interactive Television
DIST - Defense Integration Support Tool
DISTAR - Distributed Interactive Simulation Technologies in After Action Review
DIST-EAGLE - Distributed Interactive System for Eagle
DIVE - Dismounted Infantry in a Virtual Environment
DKP - Distributed Knowledge Processing
DL - Data Link, or Distance Learning
DLMS - Digital Land Mass System
DLPS - Data Links Processor System
DMAP - Data Management and Analysis Plan
DMD - Digital Message Device
DMF - Data Management Facility
DMG - Digital Map Generator
DMGMP - Data Base Generation/Modification Program
DMS - Defense Message System, or Digital Modeling and Simulation, or Distributed Models and Simulations
DMSCC - Defense Modeling and Simulation Coordination Center
DMSI - Defense Modeling and Simulation Initiative
DMSIS - Defense Modeling and Simulation Information System
DMSP - Defense Message System Program
DMSTTIAC - Defense Modeling, Simulation, and Tactical Technology Information Analysis Center
DNSIX - DoDIIS Network Security for Information Exchange
DoD - Department of Defense
DoDCSEC - DoD Computer Security Evaluation Center
DODD - Department of Defense Directive
DoDIIS - DoD Intelligence Information System
DoDISS - DoD Index of Specifications and Standards
DoDMSEA - DoD M&S Executive Agent
DOMF - Distributed Object Management Facility
DONMSMO - Department of the Navy, Modeling and Simulation Managagement Office
DOORS - Demonstration of Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System
DOS - Disk Operating System
DOT - Distributed Object Technologies
DOT&E - Director of Operational Test and Evaluation
DOTBF - Digitization of the Battlefield
DOTLMS - Doctrine, Organization, Training, Leader Development, Material, Soldier
DPA - Defense Production Act
DPDB - Digital Product Data Base
DPI - Data Processing Installation
DPPDB - Digital Point Positioning Database
DPS - Digital Production System
DR - Data Repositories
DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
DREN - Defense Research and Engineering Network
DRLMS - Digital Radar Landmass Simulator
DRRB - Data Requirements Review Board
DRU - Direct reporting unit
DSAMS - Defense Security Assistance Management System
DSB - Defense Science Board
DSCS - Defense Satellite Communications System
DSF - Display Simulation Facility
DSI - Defense Simulation Internet
DSMC - Defense Systems Management College
DSN - Defense Switched Network
DSP - Digital Signal Processing
DSREDS - Digital Storage and Retrieval Engineering Data System
DSRS - Defense Software Repository System
DSS/OPM - Defense Security Service/Office of Personnel Management
DSSA - Domain-Specific Software Architecture
DSSE - Developmental Software Support Environment
DSSEP - Developmental Software Support Environment Plan
DSVT - Digital Secure Voice Terminal
DT&E - Developmental Test and Evaluation
DTAD - Digital Terrain Analysis Data
DTAMS - Digital Terrain Analysis Mapping System
DTAP - Defense Technology Area Plan
DTC - Developmental Test Command, U.S Army
DTD - Data Transfer Device
DTE/DCE - Data Terminal Equipment/Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment
DTED - Digital Terrain Elevation Data
DTIC - Defense Technical Information Center
DTLOMS - Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organization, Materiel and Soldier
DTLS - Distributed Theater Level Simulation
DTM - Data Transfer Module, or Digital Terrain Matrix
DTMP - Data Communications Protocol Standards Technical Management Plan
DTOP - Digital Topographic Data
DTS - Data Terminal Set, or Digital Terrain System
DTSE&E - Director, Test, Systems Engineering and Evaluation
DUSA - Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
DUSA(OR) - Deputy Under Secretary of the Army for Operations Research
DVW - Dynamic Virtual Worlds
DWS - Distributed Wargaming System

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E-R - Entity-Relationship Model
E2DIS - Environmental Effects for Distributed Interactive Simulation
E3 - Electromagnetic Environmental Effects End-To-End Encryption
E3SM - Electromagnetic Environmental Effects and Spectrum Management
EA - Executive Agent
EAC - Echelon Above Corps
EAD - Executive Agent Developer
EADSIM - Extended Air Defense Simulation
EADTB - Extended Air Defense Test Bed
EBM - Entity Based Model
EC/EDI - Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange
EC - Electronic Combat
ECCM - Electronic Counter Countermeasures
ECDES - Electronic Combat Digital Evaluation Simulation
ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ECESL - Electronic Combat Evaluation and Simulation Laboratory
ECM/EOCM - Electronic Countermeasures/Electro-Optical Countermeasures
ECM - Electronic Countermeasures
ECSRL - Electronic Combat Simulation Research Laboratory
EDECSIM - Extended Directed Energy Combat Simulation
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange, or Electronic Document Interchange
EDIF - Electronic Document Interchange Format
EDIFACT - Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transportation
EDIM - Enhanced Diagnostic Inference Model
EDM - Electronic Document Management Program; Engineering Development Model
EDP - Electronic Data Processing, or ELINT Data Processor
EETAF - Eastern European Task Force
EEAT - Environmental Effects Architecture Toolkit
EEM - Environmental Event Modeler
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable/Programmable Read Only Memory
EGM - Earth Gravity Model
EHP - Entity Handover Protocol
EKMS - Electronic Key Management System
ELINT - Electronic Intelligence
ELIST - Enhanced Logistics Intratheater Support Tool
ELMC - Electronics Maintenance Company Model
EM - Electro-Magnetic
EMD - Engineering and Manufacturing Development
EMIS - Environmental Management Information System
EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse
EMPRESS - EMP Radiation Environment Simulator for Ships
EMS - Engineering Modeling Software
ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
ENSOP - Environmental/Nuclear Simulation Oversight Panel
EO - Electro-Optical
EOB - Electronic Order of Battle
EOSAEL - Electro-Optical Systems Atmospheric Effects Library
EOSDIS - Earth Observing System Data and Information System
EOSS - Electro-Optical Simulation System
EOTDA - Electro-Optical Tactical Decision Aids
EPL - ELINT Parameter List
EPROM - Electronic Programmable Read Only Memory
ER/MP - Extended range/multipurpose
ERDAS - Earth Resources Data Analysis System
ERIM - Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
EROM - Erasable Read-Only Memory
ERTWG - Environmental Representation Technical Working Group
ESAMS - Enhanced Surface-to-Air Missile Simulation
ESB - Enhanced Seperate Brigade
ESD - Exploitation Support Data
ESDD - Earth Science Data Directory
ESDI - Enhanced Small Data Interface
ESP - External Simulation Protocol
ESTEL - E-2C Simulation Test and Evaluation Laboratory
ESV - Engineer Squad Vehicle
ETDA - Environmental Tactical Decision Aids
EUCOM - European Command
EUSA - Eighth U.S. Army
EW - Electronic Warfare
EWIRD - Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogrammable Database
EWTES - Electronic Warfare Threat Environment Simulator
EXCIMS - Executive Council for Modeling and Simulation

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FA - Field artillery
FADAC - Field Artillery Digital Automatic Computer
FAMSIM - Family of Simulations
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation
FAST - Framework for Advanced Simulation Technology
FASTALS - Force Analysis and Simulation of Theater Administrative and Logistic Support
FASTC - Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center
FCR - Fire Control Radar
FCS - Future Combat Systems
FDAd - Functional Data Administrator
FDB - Functional Description of the Battlespace
FDC - Functional Data Coordinator
FDDI - Fiber Digital Data Interface
FDE - Force Deployment Estimator
FDM - Force Design Model
FEBA - Forward Edge of the Battle Area
FEDEP - Federation Execution and Development Process
FFRDC - Federally Funded Research and Development Center
FHTV - Family of Heavy Tactical Vehicles
FI - Field Instrumentation
FIM - Functional Information Manager
FIP - Federal Information Process
FIPC - Federal Information Processing Center
FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standards
FIRESTORM - Federation of Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Targeting Operations, and Research Models
FIRMA - Federal Information Resources Management Act
FIRMR - Federal Information Resources Management Regulation
FIS - Federal Information System
FLAMES - Force Level Analysis and Mission Effectiveness System
FLO - Army Liaison Office
FLOT - Forward Line of Own Troops
FLS - Force Level Simulation
FM - Field Manual
FMTV - Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles
FODDS - Fact-Oriented Data Distribution System
FOF - Force-on-Force
FOHMD - Fiber-Optic Helmet-Mounted Device, or Fiber-Optic Helmet-Mounted Display
FOM - Federation Object Model
FON - Fiber Optic Network
FORCEGEN - Force Generation for Modeling and Simulation
FORCEM - Force Concepts Evaluation Model, or Force Evaluation Model
FORCES - Force and Organization Cost Estimating System
FORGE - Force Evaluation Model Gaming Evaluator
ForMAT - Force Management and Analysis Tool
FORSCOM - Forces Command, U.S Army
FOV - Field Of View
FPDC - Federal Procurement Data Center
FPM - Force Protection Model
FRACU - Flame-resistant Army Combat Uniform
FRAM - Fleet Requirements Analysis Model
FRED - Federation Required Execution Details
FRS - Forward repair system
FRT - Faster than Real Time
FS - Flight Simulators
FSA - Force structure allowance
FSCATT - Fire Support Combined Arms Tactical Trainer
FSM - Finite State Machine
FSV - Fire support vehicle
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
FTS - Full Threat Simulator
FTT - Field Tactical Trainer
FV - Functional Validation
FWC - Future Warfare Center
FWG - Functional Working Group
FWS - Flight and Weapons Simulator
FY - Fiscal year
FYDP - Future-Years Defense Plan

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G-1 - Personnel (Army Staff)
G-2 - Intelligence (Army Staff)
G-3/5/7 - Operations and Plans (Army Staff)
G-4 - Logistics (Army Staff)
G-6 - Information (Army Staff)
G-8 - Programming, Material Integration and Management (Army Staff)
G/IDEP - Government/Industry Data Exchange Program
G-WARS - Ground Wars
GAIS - Government Automated Information System
GAMS - Generalized Algebraic Modeling System
GASS - Generic Acoustic Simulation System
GATERS - Ground Air Teleoperated Robotic System
GAWS - Graphical Analysis Workstation
GBI - Ground-Based Interceptor
GBS - Global Broadcast System
GC - General Counsel

GCCS - Global Command and Control System
GCCS-A - Global Command and Control System-Army
GCDIS - Global Change Data and Information System
GCSS - Global Command Support System
GDAS - Global Deployment Analysis System
GDD/D - Global Data Dictionary and Directory
GDDM - Graphics Data Display Manager
GDEM - Generalized Digital Environmental Model
GDI - Graphics Device Interface
GDIP - General Defense Intelligence Program
GDMS - Global Data Management System
GDSS - Global Decision Support System
GEN - General
GENESSIS - Generic Scene Simulation Software
GEOLOC - Geographic Location
GEOREF - Geographic Reference
GFAC - Ground Forward Air Controller
GFE - Government-Furnished Equipment
GFI - Government Furnished Information
GFM - Government Furnished Material
GFP - Government Furnished Property
GFS - Government Furnished Software
GI - Geospatial Information
GIAC - Graphical Input Aggregate Control
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
GIG - Global Information Grid
GII - Global Information Infrastructure
GIN - Graphics Input
GIS - Geographic Information System
GKS - Graphical Kernel System
GLM - General Linear Model
GMLRS - Guided Multiple Launch System
GMV - Ground Mobility Vehicle
GNMP - Government Network Management Profile
GOCO - Government-Owned, Contractor Operated
GOE - Government Owned Equipment
GOGO - Government Owned, Government Operated
GOSC - General Officer Steering Committee
GOSG - General Officer Steering Group
GOSIP - Government Open System Interconnection Protocol
GOTS - Goverment Off the Shelf
GPS - Global Positioning System
GPSS - General Purpose Simulation System
GRWSIM - Ground Warfare Simulation
GSCC - Global Simulation Coordination Center
GSM - Global Shared Memory
GSS - Generalized Stimulation Simulation, or Ground Station Simulator
GTM - Ground Truth Model
GTMV - Ground Target Modeling and Validation
GTN - Global Transportation Network
GTRI - Georgia Tech Research Institute
GTWAPS - Global Theater Weather Analysis and Prediction System
GUARDFIST - Guard Unit Armory Device Full Crew Interactive Simulation Trainer
GUI - Graphical User Interface
GWEF - Guided Weapons Evaluation Facility
GWOT - Global War on Terrorism

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HBR - Human Behavior Representation
HBTWG - Human Behavior Technology Working Group
HCI - Human Computer Interaction, or Human Computer Interface
HDL - Harry Diamond Laboratories
HDLC - High-level Data Link Control Protocol
HDR - High-Data-Rate
HDS - High Definition Systems
HEFS - Hierarchical Environmental Feature Structure
HELIPAC - Helicopter Piloted Air Combat Model
HELSTF - High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility
HES - Hostile Environment Simulator
HET - HARPOON Embedded Trainer
HF-ATSS - High Fidelity Acoustic Time Series Simulator
HFE - Human Factors Engineering
HFEA - Human Factors Engineering Analysis, or Human Factors Engineering Assessment
HITL - Human-in-the-Loop
HLA - High-Level Architecture
HLS - Homeland security
HMD - Helmet Mounted Display
HMI - Human-Machine Interface
HMMRSS - Helmet-Mounted Mission Rehearsal Simulation System
HMMWV - High-mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
HMS - Helmet Mounted Sight
HMS/DS - Helmet Mounted Sight/Display System
HMU - Helmet Mounted Unit
HOTMAC - High Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulations
HPC - High Performance Computer
HPCC - High Performance Computing and Communications
HPCCIT - High Performance Computing, Communications, and Information Technology
HPCMP - High Performance Computing Modernization Program
HPMWAM - High Power Microwave Weapon Assessment Model
HPPI - High Performance Parallel Interface
HQDA - Headquarters, Department of the Army
HRC - Human Resources Command
HRCP - High Resolution Cloud Prognosis Model
HRIS - Human Resource Information System
HSDC - High Speed Digital Chart
HSI - Human Systems Integration, or High Speed Serial Interface
HTU - Handheld Thermal Unit
HUMINT - Human intelligence
HW/SWIL - Hardware/Software-In-The-Loop
HWIL - Hardware-in-the-Loop
HYTIME - Hypermedia/Time-Based Structuring Language

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I/DBTWG - Information/Database Technology Working Group
I/ITSEC - Interservice Industry Training Systems and Education Conference
IO - Information Operations
I&M - Improvement and Modernization
I-TES I-Band Threat Environment Simulator
I3 - Intelligent Integration of Information
IAC - Information Analysis Center
IADS - Integrated Air Defense System
IAS - Intelligence Analysis System
IC - Individual Combatant
IC-ISM - Intelligence Community Metadata Standard for Information Security Marking
ICA - Integrated Communications Architecture
ICASE - Integrated Computer Aided Software Engineering
ICATT - Intelligent Computer Assisted Training Testbed
ICC - Integrated Control Center
ICD - Interface Control Document
ICDB - Integrated Communications Database
I-CLCGF-CBS - Integrated CLCGF Combat Battle Simulation
ICM - Intelligence Correlation Model
ICV - Infantry carrier vehicle
ICW - Interactive Courseware
IDB - Integrated Database
IDBEF - Integrated Database Extract Format
IDBTF - Integrated Database Transaction Format
IDEA - Integrated Design/Engineering Aide
IDEEAS - Interactive Distributed Early Entry Analysis Simulation
IDEF - Integration Definition
IDEF1X - Integration Definition Language for Information Modeling
IDEF0 - Integration Definition for Function Modeling
IDHS - Intelligence Data Handling System
IDL - Interface Definition Language, or Interface Design Language
IDM - Improved Data Modem
IDRL - Integrated Data Requirements List
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IEWTPT - Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer
IF - Indirect Fires
IFIP - International Federation of Information Processing
IFM - Ionospheric Forecast Model
IFOR - Intelligent Forces
IG - Image Generator
IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Standard
IGOSS - Industry/Government Open System Specification
IHADSS - Integrated Helmet and Display Sight System
IIS - Intelligence Information System
IM - Information Management
IMA - Information Mission Area
IMB - Interoperability Management Board
IMCOM - Installation Management Command, U.S Army
IMD - Information Management Directorate
IMDS - Integrated Maintenance Data System
IMIT - Interoperability Management Information Tool
IMP - Information Management Plan
IMR - Information Management Representative
IMS - Information Management System
INCA - Intelligence Communications Architecture
INCOMMS - Individual Combatant Modeling and Simulation
INFORMS - Institute for Operations Research and Management Science
INFOSEC - Information Security
INMS - Integrated Network Management System
INSCOM - Intelligence and Security Command, U.S. Army
INST - Information Standards and Technology Standardization
INX - Information Exchange
IOC - Initial Operational Capability, or Industrial Operations Command
IODA - Information Oriented Decision Architecture
IOT&E - Initial Operational Test and Evaluation
IP - Image Processor, or Information Processor, Intellectual Property, or Internet Protocol
IPB - Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
IPPD - Integrated Product and Process Development
IPPM - Integrated Product Process Model
IPR - In-Process Review
IPS - Illustrative Planning Scenarios
IPT - Integrated Product Team
IPTL - Integrated Priority Target List
IR - Infrared, or Irregular Warfare
IR&D - Independent Research and Development
IRDS - Information Resource Dictionary System
IREM - Integrated Research, Evaluation, and System Analysis Model
IRIAC - Infrared Information Analysis Center
IRIAM - Integrated Radar and Infrared Analysis and Modeling
IRIG - Inter-Range Instrumentation Group
IRIS - Internetted Range Interactive Simulations
IRM - Information Resource Management
ISA - Information System Architecture, or Industry Standard Architecture
ISATS - Information System ADP Tracking System
ISC - Information Systems Command, U.S. Army
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
ISEE - Integrated Software Engineering Environment
ISEM - Integrated Space Environmental Model
ISG - Industry Steering Group
ISGMS - Industry Steering Group on Modeling and Simulation
ISLE - Integrated Simulation Language Environment
ISMC - Imagery Standards Management Committee
ISMT - Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer
ISO - International Standardization Organization
ISR - Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
ISS - Interactive Survivability Simulation
ISSAA - Information Systems Selection and Acquisition Agency
ISSC - Information Systems Software Center
ISSM - Information Systems Security Manager
ISSO - Information System Security Officer
ISSPM - Information Systems Security Program
IST - Infantry Squad Trainer, or Institute for Simulation and Training
IT - Information Technology
ITAM - Interdiction Tanker Analysis Model
ITD - Interim Terrain Data, or Interim Terrain Database
ITDN - Integrated Tactical Data Network
ITEC - International Training Equipment Conference
ITEM - Integrated Theater Engagement Model
ITEMM - Integrated Terrain-Environment-Multipath Model
ITEMS - Interactive Tactical Environment Management System
ITMRA - Information Technology Management Reform Act
ITN - Identification Tasking and Networking
ITPB - Information Technology Policy Board
ITRI - Information Technology Reuse Initiative
ITRUS - Information Technology Reuse
ITSDN - Integrated Tactical/Strategic Data Network
ITSPO - Information Technology Standards Program Office
ITTS - Instrumentation Targets and Threat Simulators
ITU - Information Transport Utility
ITVGS - Interactive Television Generic Server
IUSS - Integrated Unit Simulation System
IV&V - Independent Verification and Validation
IVEPSS - Immersive Virtual Environment Prototyping Simulation System
IW - Information Warfare
IWSDB - Integrated Weapon Systems Data Base
IWSS - Interactive Weapon System Simulation

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J-SPACES - Joint Space Combat Environment Simulation
JAC - Joint Analysis Center
JACG - Joint Aeronautical Commanders Group
JACTS - Joint Aircrew Combat Training System
JADS - Joint Advanced Distributed Simulation
JADS-I - Joint Advanced Distributed Simulation-Improved
JADS/JFS - Joint Advanced Distributed Simulation Joint Feasibility Study
JAFLME - Joint Automated Field Logistics Model for Employment
JAG - Judge Advocate General
JAGC - Joint Air Ground Center
JAMC - Joint Amphibious Mine Countermeasure
JAMIP - Joint Analytic Model Improvement Program
JAMP - Joint Analytic Model Program
JANNAF - Joint Army, Navy, NASA, Air Force
JAWS - Joint Analytic Warfare Systems
JCALS - Joint Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support
JCATS - Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation
JCCAS - Joint Command and Control Attack Simulation
JCCC - Joint Communications Control Center
JCCD - Joint Camouflage, Concealment and Deception
JC2WC - Joint Command and Control Warfare Center
JCG - Joint Commanders Group
JCG(T&E) - Joint Commanders Group (Test and Evaluation)
JCM - Joint Conflict Model
JCOS - Joint Countermine Operational Simulation
JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff
JDC - Joint Doctrine Center
JDISS - Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System
JDL - Joint Director of Laboratories
JDS - Joint Data Support
JDSS - Joint Decision Support System
JEAP - Joint Electronic Analysis Program
JECEWSI - Joint Electronic Combat Electronic Warfare Simulation
JEDMICS - Joint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System
JECG - Joint Exercise Control Group
JEL - Joint Electronic Library
JEPES - Joint Engineering Planning and Execution System
JESS - Joint Exercise Support System
JETTA - Joint Environment for Testing, Training, and Analysis
JEWC - Joint Electronic Warfare Center (outdated - see JC2WC)
JFACC - Joint Force Air Component Commander
JFAST - Joint Flow and Analysis System for Transportation
JFCOM - Joint Forces Command
JHU/APL - Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Lab
JIC - Joint Intelligence Center
JICM - Joint Integrated Contingency Model, or Joint Intelligence Collection Module
JIEO - Joint Interoperability and Engineering Organization
JIMASS - Joint Intelligence Modeling and Simulation System
JINTACCS - Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control System
JIPTL - Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List
JITC - Joint Integration Test Command
JITF - Joint Integration Test Facility
JLASS - Joint Land, Aerospace, and Sea Simulation
JLC - Joint Logistics Commanders
JLOG - JTF Logistics Management Information System
JM&S - Joint Modeling and Simulation
JMASS - Joint Modeling and Simulation System
JMEM - Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual
JMETL - Joint Mission Essential Task Lists
JMSEP - Joint Modeling and Simulation Executive Panel
JMSIP - Joint Modeling and Simulation Integration Program
JMSRG - Joint Modeling and Simulation Requirements Group
JMSWG - Joint Multi-TADIL Standards Working Group
JNETS - Joint Network Simulation
JOISIM - Joint Operations Information Simulation
JOPES - Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
JOTS-VIDS - Joint Operations and Tactical System-Visually Integrated Data System
JOVE - Joint Operations Visualization Environment
JPATS - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System
JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPO - Joint Program Office
JPSD - Joint Precision Strike Demonstration
JRISS - Joint Recruiting Information Support System
JRMB - Joint Requirements and Management Board
JROC - Joint Requirements Oversight Council
JRTC - Joint Readiness Training Center
JSAN - Joint Staff Automation of the Nineties
JSEAD - Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense
JSEM - Joint Service Endgame Model
JSF - Joint Strike Fighter
JSIMS - Joint Simulation System
JSIP - Joint Services Imagery Processing System
JSOR - Joint Service Operational Requirement
JSOW - Joint Stand-Off Weapon
JSP - Joint Service Program
JSPS - Joint Strategic Planning System
JSS - Joint STARS Simulator
JSSA - Joint Stealth Strike Aircraft
JSTARS - Joint Surveillance & Target Attack Radar System
JSTASL - Joint Scenario Tool Architecture and Script Language
JSTE - Joint Services Training Exercise
JSTOF - Joint Special Operations Task Force
JT&E - Joint Test and Evaluation
JTAGS - Joint Tactical Ground Station
JTAMS - Joint Tactical Missile Signatures
JTASC - Joint Training, Analysis and Simulation Center
JTC - Joint Technical Committee, or Joint Training Confederation
JTC3A Joint Tactical Command, Control and Communications Agency
JTCTS - Joint Tactical Combat Training System
JTF - Joint Task Force
JTFS - Joint Task Force Simulation
JTIDS - Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
JTLS - Joint Theater Level Simulation
JTMP - Joint Training Master Plan
JTP - Joint Training Program
JTS - Joint Tactical Simulation; Joint Training System
JTSP - Joint Training Simulation Plan
JTWSG - Joint Theater of War Scenario Generator
JULLS - Joint Universal Lessons Learned System
JUSTIS - Joint Uniform Services Technical Information System
JVIDS - Joint Visually Integrated Display System
JVL - Joint Virtual Laboratory
JWAC - Joint Warfare Analysis Center
JWARS - Joint Warfare System
JWCA - Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment
JWFC - Joint Warfighting Center
JWICS - Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System
JWID - Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration
JWSOL - Joint Warfare Simulation Object Library
JWSTP - Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan

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KA - Knowledge Acquisition
KBE - Knowledge Based Extraction
KBI - Knowledge-Based Information
KBLPS - Knowledge Based Logistics Planning Shell
kbps - Kilobits per second
KBS - Knowledge Based System
KDEC - Kinetic Energy Weapons Digital Emulation Center
KE - Knowledge Engineering
KHILS - Kinetic Kill Vehicle HITL Simulator
KI - Knowledge Integration
KIPPL - Key Intelligence Programs Priority List
KNACK - Knowledge Acquisition Kernel
KPP - Key Performance Parameters
KRS - Knowledge Retrieval System
KSS - Knowledge Support System
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LAPM - Link Access Procedure for Modems
LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LATS - Low Altitude Threat Simulator
LAU - LAN Access Unit
LAW - Light Antitank Weapon
LB/TS - Large Blast/Thermal Simulator
LBJS - Littoral Battlespace Joint Service
LCC - Life Cycle Cost
LCCE - Life Cycle Cost Estimate
LCM - Life Cycle Management, or Life Cycle Model
LDM - Logical Data Model
LIC - Low-intensity conflict
LLNL - Lawrence-Livermore National Laboratory
LMTV - Light Medium Tactical Vehicle
LOC - Lines of Communication
LOCAASS - Low-Cost Anti-Armor Submunition Simulation
LOGAIS - Logistics Automated Information System
LOGGEN - Logistics Plan Generator
LOGSAFE - Logistics Sustainability Analysis and Feasibility Estimator
LOGSIM - Logistics Simulation
LOTS - Logistics Over The Shore
LOTSSIM - Logistics Over The Shore Simulation
LSA - Logistics System Analysis
LSTF - Life Sciences Test Facility
LUH - Light Utility Helicopter
LWTB - Land Warrior Testbed

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M&S - Modeling and Simulation
M&S CO - Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office
MACATAK Maintenance Capabilities Attack Model
MACH - Model of Atmospheric Chemical Hazards
MACIPS - Military Airlift Command Information Processing System
MACOM - Major Army Command
MAHCA - Multiple Agent Hybrid Control Architecture
MAIS - Major Automated Information System, or Mobile Automated Instrumentation Suite
MAMO - Maintenance Model
MARISIM - Maritime Simulation
MASDA - Model and Simulation Decision Aid
MAV - Micro-air vehicle
MCO - Major Combat Operations
MDAP - Major Defense Acquisition Program
MDDC - Missile Defense Data Center
MDT2 - Multi-Service Distributed Training Testbed
MDW - Military District of Washington
MEADS - Medium Extended Air Defense System
MEDCOM - Medical Command, U.S. Army
MEDRETE - Medical Readiness Training Excercise
MEL - Master Environmental Library; Master Events List
MERIT - Model Evaluation Requirements Integration Tool
METL - Mission Essential Task List, or Mission-enabled task list
METS - Mobile Electronic Threat Simulator
METT-T - Mission, Enemy, Troops, Terrain, and Time
MFOM - MLRS family of munitions
MFS - Manned Flight Simulator
MGRS - Military Grid reference System
MI - Military Intelligence
MIB - Management Information Base
MICRO-SAINT - Task network simulation language
MIL - Man-in-the-loop
MILCON - Military Construction
MILES - Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
MILNET - Military Network
MILPER - Military Personnel
MILSTAR - Military Strategic/Tactical Relay
MISSI - Multi-level Information System Security Initiative
MIST - Multiple Input Sensor Terminal
MITL - Man-In-The-Loop
ML - Machine Language
MLRS - Multiple launch rocket system
MMI - Man-Machine Interface
MMWPROP - Millimeter Wave Propagation Prediction Model
MOBCEM - Mobilization Capabilities Evaluation Model
MOBSAM - Mobilization Station Assessment Model
MODAS - Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System
ModSAF - Modular Semi-Automated Forces
MOE - Measure of Effectiveness
MOOTW - Military Operations Other Than War
MOP - Measure of Performance
MORIMOC - More Operational Realism in Modeling of Combat
MORS - Military Operations Research Society
MOUT - Military Operations in Urban Terrain
MP - Military Police
MRA - Model Range of Accuracy
MRCI - Modular Reconfigurable C4I Interface
MRM - Medical Regulating Model
MRSE - Message Retrieval Service Element
MS&A - Modeling, Simulation and Analysis
MSAS - Military Simulation Assessment System
MSC-DMS - Modeling and Simulation COI Discovery Metadata Specification
MSDS - Master Simulation Data System, or Mission Scenario Data System
MSE - Multiple Simulation Exercise
MSEA - Modeling and Simulation Executive Agent
MSEL - Master Scenario Events List
MSIC-CLUTTER - Missile-Space and Intelligence Center-CLUTTER Model
MSIP - Modeling and Simulation Investment Plan
MSIS - M&S Information System
MSMP - Modeling and Simulation Master Plan
MSOSA - M&S Operational Support Activity (formerly MSCC)
MSRR - Modeling and Simulation Resource Repository
MSWG - Modeling and Simulation Working Group
MTM - Model-Test-Model
MTS - Message Transfer System; Moving Target Simulator
MTV - Medium Tactical Vehicle
MTWS - MAGTF Tactical Warfare Simulation
MUSE - Multiple UAV Simulation Environment
MUTES - Multiple Threat Emitter Systems
MWARS - Maneuver-Warfare Analytical Research System
MWG - Metadata Working Group
MWTB - Mounted Warfare Testbed

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NAIC - National Air Intelligence Center
NAM - Network Assessment Model
NAS - National Academy of Sciences
NASM - National Air and Space (Warfare) Model
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATSIM - National Simulation System
NBC - Nuclear, biological and chemical
NCS - Network Computing System, or Network Control Station
NCSC - National Computer Security Center
NCSL - National Computer System Laboratory
NDIA - National Defense Industrial Association
NESDIS - National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service
NESSE - Near Earth Simulated Space Environment; Near Earth Space Synthetic Environment
NET - Network Enterprise Technology Command/9th Signal Command, U.S. Army
NETWARS - Network Warfare Simulation
NGA - Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office
NGB - National Guard Bureau
NGCR - Next Generation Computer Resources
NIC - Network Information Center
NIDR - Network Information Discover and Retrieval
NII - National Information Infrastructure
NIMA - National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NISO - National Information Standards Organization
NISP - National Individual Security Program
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
NITC - National Information Technology Center
NITF - National Imagery Test Facility
NLOS-LS - Non-line-of-sight launch system
NLSP - Network Layer Security Protocol
NLT - Not Later Than
NMD - National Missile Defense
NODC - National Oceanographic Data Center
NPS - Naval Postgraduate School
NREN - National Research and Education Network
NRMS - Near Term Mine Reconnaissance System
NRO - National Reconnaissance Office
NSA - National Security Agency
NSC - National Simulation Center
NSF - National Science Foundation
NSIDC - National Snow and Ice Data Center
NSPS - National Security Personnel System
NSTC - National Science and Technology Council
NTB - National Test Bed
NTC - National Training Center
NTC-IS - National Training Center Instrumentation System
NTF - National Test Facility
NTIC - National Technical Information Service
NUSSE - Non-Uniform Simple Surface Evaporation (model)
NV&EOL - Night Vision and Electro-Optics Laboratory
NVD - Night Vision Device
NVE - Night Vision Equipment
NVESD - Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate
NVS - Night Vision System
NWARS - National Wargaming System

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OAML - Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library
OASIS - Operations Analysis and Simulation Interface System
OATS - Office Automation and Technology Services
OCAR - Office of the Chief, Army Reserve
ODES - Operational and Deployment Experiments Simulator
ODOT&E - Office of the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation
ODM - Organizational Domain Modeling
OMO - Other Military Operations
OMT - Object Model Template
ONC - Open Network Computing
OO - Object-Oriented
OOA - Object-Oriented Analysis
OOD - Object-Oriented Design
OODA - Object-Oriented Design with Assemblies
OODB - Object-Oriented Data Base
OODBMS - Object-Oriented Database Management System
OOM - Object-Oriented Modeling
OOP - Object-Oriented Programming
OOT - Object-Oriented Technologies
OOTW - Operations Other Than War
OPFOR - Opposing Forces
OPT - Operations Planning Tool
OPTADS - Operations Tactical Data Systems
OPTEC - Operational Test and Evaluation Command
OPTEMPO - Operating Tempo
OR - Operations Research
ORACLE - Operational Research and Critical Link Evaluation
ORD - Operational Requirements Document
ORSA - Operations Research Systems Analysis
OS - Operating System
OSD - Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSEA - Organization for Synthetic Environment Architecture
OSINT - Open Source Intelligence
OSIRIS - Optimized Synthetic Infra-Red Interactive Simulation
OSRM - Open System Reference Model
OSS - Operations Support System
OTC - Operational Test Command, U.S. Army
OUSD(A&T) - Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology

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PACCOM - Pacific Command
PADIL - PATRIOT Air Defense Information Language
PATGEN - Patient Generator
PCM - Production Cost Model
PCTE - Portable Common Tools Environment
PDES - Product Data Exchange using STEP
PDL - Programmable Design Language
PDMS - Product Development Metadata Specification
PDW - Personal Defense Weapon
PEGASUS - Perspective View Generator and Analysis Systems for Unmanned Sensors
PEO - Program Executive Office
PERT - Program Evaluation Review Technique
PGM - Precision-Guided Munitions
PGMM - Precision-Guided Mortar Munitions
PIPS - Polar Ice Prediction System
PKO - Peacekeeping Operations
PKSOI - Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, U.S. Army
PM - Program Manager
PM ITTS - Project Manager for Instrumentation, Targets, and Threat Simulations
PM - Program Manager
POCs - Points of Contact
POPS - Pyrotechnic Optical Plume Simulator
PORTSIM - Port Simulation Model
POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface
PPB - Planning, programming, and budgeting
PPDB - Point Positioning Data Base
PPF - Platform Proto-Federations
PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol
Pre-BADD - Pre-Battlefield Awareness Data Dissemination
PRETT - PATRIOT Radar Emulator Test Tool
PRF - Pulse Repetition Frequency
PRIMES - Pre-flight Integration of Munitions and Electronic Systems
PRISM - Parameterized Real-Time Ionospheric Specification Model, or Portable, Reusable, Integrated Software Modules
PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory
PSDB - Perceived Situation Database
PTADB - Planning Terrain Analysis Data Base
PTCCN - Prototype Tactical Cryptological Communications Network

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QC - Quality Control
QDE - Quality Data Evaluation
QDR - Quadrennial Defense Review
QJM - Quantified Judgement Model
QMR - Quarterly Management Review

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R&A - Review and Analysis
R&D - Research and Development
RAC - Reliability Analysis Center
RADGUNS - Radar Directed Gun Simulation System
RADIUS - Research and Development for Image Understanding Systems
RAPIDSIM - Rapid Intertheater Deployment Simulator
RASS - Random Access Storage System
RASSP - Rapid Prototyping of Application Specific Signal Processors
RAV - Robotic Air Vehicle
RD&A - Research, Development & Acquisition
RDA - Research, Development, and Acquisition
RDADS - Real Time Data Acquisition And Display System
RDAISA - Research, Development and Acquisition Information Systems Agency
RDB - Relational Database
RDBMS - Relational Database Management System
RDMS - Range Data Management System; Relational Data Management System
RDT - Remote Debriefing Tool
RDT&E - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation
REA - Remote Entity Approximation
REDCAP - Real-Time Electronic Digitally Controlled Analyzer Processor
RESA - Research, Evaluation, and System Analysis Model
RESS - Radar Environment Simulator System
RFSS - Radio Frequency Simulation System
RIMS - Radar Image Modeling System
RIP - Routing Information Protocol
RIS - Range Instrumentation Systems
RISM - Reduced Instruction Set Model
RLMS - Radar Land Mass Simulator
RMSD - Requirements, Models, Software, and Data
ROAMS - Reusable Object Access and Management System
ROI - Return on Investment
ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle
RS - Relay System
RSFCT - Road Simulator for Fire Control Testing
RSIS - Rotorcraft Systems Integrated Simulator
RSOI - Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration
RSS - Remote Satellite Simulation
RSTA - Reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition
RTAD - Relocatable Targets Analysis Data
RTCA - Real-Time Casualty Assessment
RTCNS - Real-Time Communications Network Simulator
RTOS - Reconfigurable Tactical Operations Simulator
RV - Reconnaissance vehicle
RWM - Relocatable Window Model

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S&M - Simulation and Modeling
S&T - Science and Technology
S&TP - Science and Technology Program
SA - Secretary of the Army
SADS - Simulated Air Defense System
SAF - Semi-Automated Forces
SAFOR - Semi-Automated Forces
SALT - Society for Applied Learning Technology
SAMSON - Simulation and Modeling Supporting Operational Needs
SASER - Synthetic Atmosphere and Space Environment Representations
SATCOM - Satellite Communications
SATT - Stand Alone TENCAP Simulator
SAWE-RF - Simulating Aerial Weapon Effect - Radio Frequency
SBA - Simulation Based Acquisition
SB ITS - Simulation Based Intelligent Tutoring System
SBB - Synthetic Battle Bridge
SBCT - Stryker Brigade Combat Team
SBD - Simulation Based Design
SBDS - Simulation Based Design System
SBIS - Sustaining Base Information System
SBLC - Sustaining Base Level Computer
SBS - Seamless Battlefield Simulator
SCORES - Scenario Oriented Recurring Evaluation System
SCRAM - System Configuration Reconfiguration Automation Module
SDD - System Design Document
SDDC - Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, U.S. Army
SE - Synthetic Environment
SEAROADS - Simulation, Evaluation, Analysis and Research on Air Defense Systems
SECOMO - Software Engineering Cost Model
SED - Software Engineering Directorate
SEDRIS - Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification
SEE - Software Engineering Environments, or Synthetic Environment Exercise
SEI - Software Engineering Institute
SEM - Simulation, Engineering and Modeling
SESG - Software Engineering Support Group
SEWSIM - Space and Electronic Warfare Simulator
SF - Synthetic Forces
SFCTMP - Surface Temperature Model
SFOR - Stabilization Force
SFTS - Synthetic Flight Training Systems
SGEN - Signal Generator
SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language
SIAM - Situational Influence Assessment Model
SIF - Standard Interchange Format, or System Integration Facilities
SIFT - Simulation Interface Toolset
SIG - Special Interest Group
SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
SIGS - Synthetic Imagery Generation System
SIL - System Integration Laboratories
Sim/Stim - Simulation/Stimulation
SIM - Sensor Interaction Model
SiMan - Simulation Management
SIMEX - Simulation Exercise
SIMITAR - Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness
SIMNET - Simulation Network
SIMTECH - Simulation Technology Program
SIMULOGS - Simulation of Logistics Systems
SIRAS - Simulation, Instrumentation, Reduction, and Analysis System
SISL - Secure Integration Simulation Laboratory
SISO - Simulation, Interoperability, and Standards Organization
SLAVE - Simple Lethality and Vulnerability Simulator
SMART - Simulation and Modeling Anchored in Real-World Testing, or Susceptibility Model Assessment with Range Test
SMDC - Space and Missile Defense Command, U.S. Army
SME - Subject Matter Expert
SMI - Soldier-Machine Interface
SMSE - Super Multiple Simulation Exercise
SMSP - Soil Moisture Strength Prediction Model
SNAP - Simulator Network Analysis Project
SND - Standardized Nomenclature Database
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
SNNAP - Statistical Neural Network Analysis Package
SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
SOF - Special Operations Forces
SOFATS - Special Operations Forces Aircrew Training System
SOFNET-JCM - Special Operations Forces Inter-Simulation Network - Joint Conflict Model
SOFPARS - Special Operations Forces Planning and Rehearsal System
SOL - Simulation Oriented Language
SOM - Simulation Object Model
SONET - Synchronous Optical Network
SOO - Statement of Objectives
SPRAE - Stochastic Predictor of Artillery Effectiveness
SQuASH - Stochastic Quantitative Analysis of System Hierarchies
SRP - Software Reuse Program
SS&T - Space, Science and Technology
SSDB - Standard Simulator Data Base
SSE - Simulation Support Environment; Single Simulation Exercise
SSG - Synthetic Signature Generator
SSGM - Synthetic Scene Generation Model
SSID - Standard Simulation Interface Design
SSM - Soldier System Modeling
SSP - Simulation Support Plan
SSTORM - Structured Scenario Torpedo Operational Requirements Model
STAARS - Sustainment Training for Army Aviation Readiness
Through - Simulation
STADLS - Surrogate Threat Air Defense Laser System
STAF - Simulation/Test Acceptance Facility
STAGE - Scenario Toolkit and Generation Environment
STAMIS - Standard Army Management Information System
STE - Surface Threat Emitter
STEMS - Software Test and Evaluation Message System
STEP - Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data
STM - Synchronous Transfer Mode
STOW - Synthetic Theater of War
STOW-E - Synthetic Theater of War-Europe
STP - Software Test Plan
STRICOM - Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command, U.S. Army
STSC - Software Technology Support Center
STVLS - Surrogate Threat Visible Laser System
SUMM - Semantic Unification Meta-Model
SUMMITS - Scenario Unrestricted Mobility Model for- Intratheater Simulation
SURVIAC - Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center
SUT - System Under Test
SWIL - Software-in-the-Loop
SYNB - Synthetic Battlefield
SYNC - Synchronous
SYSGEN - System Generator

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T&E - Test and Evaluation
T&S - Training and Simulation
TA - Technical Architecture
TAA - Technology Area Assessment
TACCIMS - Theater Automated Command Control Information Management System
TACCSF - Theater Air Command and Control Simulation Facility
TACSIM - Tactical Simulation
TACTICS - Tri-Service Advanced Countermeasures and Threats Integrated Combat Simulation
TACTS - Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System
TACWAR - Tactical Warfare Model
TADS - Tactical Air Defense System
TADSS - Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations
TAFIM - Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management
TAFSM - Target Acquisition Fire Support Model
TAGS - Tactical Gamma Ray Simulator
TAIS - Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems
TALON - TACSIM Analysis and Operations Node
TAM - Theater Analysis Model
TAMD - Theater Air and Missile Defense
TAMMIS - Theater Army Medical Management Information System
TAMPS - Tactical Aircraft Mission Planning System
TAMS - Transportation Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation
TASS - Total Army School System
TASWIT - Tactical Advanced Simulated Warfare Integrated Trainer
TAT - TACSIM ALSP Translator
TBMCS - Theater Battle Management Core Systems
TCIM - Tactical Communications Interface Module
TCIS - Tactical Communications Interface Software
TD/CMS - Technical Data/Configuration Management System
TDSS - Training Devices, Simulations, and Simulators
TDT - Tactical Data Terminal
TEAM - Threat Engagement Analysis Model
TEED - Tactical End-to-End Encryption Device
TEGEN - Tactical Environment Generator
TEM - Terrain Effects Model, or Terrain Evaluation Model
TEMITS - Test and Evaluation Management Information and Tracking System
TEMO - Training, Exercises, and Military Operations
TEMS - Test and Evaluation Mission Simulator
TENA - Test and Evaluation Network Architecture
TERIS - Test and Evaluation Range Internet System
TERSIM - Terrain Simulation
TES - Tactical Engagement Simulation
TESS - Tactical Engagement Simulation System, or Tactical Environmental Support System
TEXIS - Theater Exercise and Intelligence Simulation
TF - Task force
TGT - Tank Gunnery Trainer
TIDES - Threat Intelligence Data Extraction System
TIDS - Tactical Information Distribution System
TIE - TACWAR Integrate Environment
TIES - Terrain Imagery Exploitation System
TIG - The Inspector General
TIIP - Topographic Imagery Integration Prototype
TIP - TACSIM Interface Program
TIREM - Terrain-Integrated Rough-Earth Model
TJAG - The Judge Advocate General
TLCSC - Top-Level Computer Software Component
TLSP - Transport Layer Security Protocol
TMD - Theater Missile defense
TMDA - Target Management and Development Application
TMDSE - Theater Missile Defense System Exerciser
TMPO - Terrain Modeling Project Office
TMS - Target Management System
TPFDD - Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data
TPFDL - Time-Phased Force and Deployment Listing
TRADOC - Training and Doctrine Command, U.S. Army
TRANSCAP - Transportation Systems Capability Model
TREEGEN - Tree Generation Model
TRM - Technical Reference Model
TRS - Thermal Radiation Simulator, or Training, Readiness & Simulation
TSCAM - Team Signal Communications Analysis Model
TSG - The Surgeon General
TSMO - Threat Simulator Management Office
TTES - Team Tactical Engagement Simulator
TTGT - Tank Team Gunnery Trainer
TTS - Tactical Training Strategy
TUAV - Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
TWG - Technical Working Group, or Technology Working Group
TWSEAS - Tactical Warfare Simulation, Evaluation and Analysis System

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UAV - Unmanned aerial vehicle
UCCATS - Urban Combat Computer Assisted Training System
UCP - Universal Camouflage Pattern
UCOFT - Unit Conduct of Fire Trainer
UGV - Unmanned Ground Vehicle
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
USA - U.S. Army
USAAC - U.S. Army Accessions Command
USAASC - U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center
USACAPOC - U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command
USACE - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USAISC - U.S. Army Information System Command
USARC - U.S. Army Reserve Command
USARCENT - U.S. Army Central
USAREUR - U.S. Army Europe
USARJ - U.S. Army Japan
USARNORTH - U.S. Army North
USARPAC - U.S. Army Pacific
USARSO - U.S. Army South
USASOC - U.S. Army Special Operations Command
USCENTCOM - U.S. Central Command
USD(A&T) - Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Technology
USEUCOM - U.S. European Command
USFJ - U.S. Forces Japan
USFK - U.S. Forces Korea
USNI - Universal Simulator Network Interface
USNORTHCOM - U.S. Northern Command
USPACOM - U.S. Pacific Command
USSOCUM - U.S. Special Operations Command
USSOUTHCOM - U.S. Southern Command
USTRANSCOM - U.S. Transportation Command
UTE - Unmanned Threat Emitter
UTSS - Universal Threat System for Simulators
UUCP - Unix-to-Unix Copy

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V&V - Verification and Validation
VAIDC - Video Artificial Intelligence Data Collection
VCSA - Vice Chief of Staff, Army
VE - Virtual Environment
VEMPS - Vertically Polarized Electromagnetic Pulse Simulator
VGDEM - Variable Generalized Digital Environmental Model
VIC - Vector In Commander
VICTORS - Variable Intensity Computerized Training System
VIGS - Video Disk Gunnery Simulator
VISTA - Variable Stability In-Flight Simulator Test Aircraft
VIT - Virtual Interactive Target
VMASC - Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center
VPG - Virtual Proving Ground
VR - Virtual Reality
VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRPE - Virtual Reality Presentation Engine
VRT - Variable Resolution Terrain Model
VSR - Visual Stimulation Research
VSTI - Vehicle Signature Test Instrumentation
VSU - Virtual Simulation Units
VT - Virtual Terminal
VTTR - Virtual Test and Training Range
VUAV - Virtual Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
VV&A - Verification, Validation and Accreditation
VV&C - Verification, Validation and Certification

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WARSIM 2000 - Warfighters' Simulation 2000
WBMOD - Wide Band Scintillation Model
WEAM - Weapons Effectiveness Analysis Model
WEEMS - Weapons Effects and Environments Modeling and Simulation
WEST - Weapons Effectiveness Simulated Threat
WFS - Weapon Fire Simulator
WG - Working Group
WMASC - Weapons Modification and Simulation Capability
WMD - Weapons of Mass Destruction
WRAP - Wide Area Rapid Acoustic Prediction, or Warfighter Rapid Acquisition Program
WTCV - Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles

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